Watering Schedule

Mandatory Landscape Watering Restrictions
Residential and commercial landscape irrigation is restricted on Sunday and certain days of the week based on the season. All customers are assigned to a watering group, labeled A, B, C, D or E, that defines what day(s) of the week landscape irrigation is allowed.
Watering Groups - Tuscany is Watering Group B
Watering group assignments are based on the customer's location address. View your assigned watering group on this map.
Irrigation between the hours of 11am and 7pm, from May 1 through August 31, is not allowed. This is also referred to as a time-of-day restriction).
Watering by hand using a container, or positive shut-off nozzle on your water hose, is allowed any day of the week regardless of your assigned watering days.
You may request an exemption allowing you to irrigate new or reseeded turf outside your assigned watering days, for a period of 30 days. Submit your request through Contact Henderson.
Time-of-day restrictions will still apply when you are irrigating new or re-seeded turf.
Tuscany Residents: Please check your emails, this website, or our Official Facebook Page for breaking news and important announcements from the HOA Office.
Please report any compliance concerns or complaints you see or experience within the community, please contact:

Tuscany Residential Village
850 Olivia Parkway
Henderson, NV 89011
Important Numbers
Recreation Center/HOA Office
(702) 564-1351
Tuscany Main Gate
(702) 568-6275