General Questions
chevron_rightCan I walk on or have my children or pets play on the golf course? No, that would be trespassing. The Chimera Golf Course is privately owned and homeowners are not allowed to walk on the cart paths, walk their dogs or allow their children to play or ride bikes on the course. Damage has been done to the course over the last few months, and trespassers will now be prosecuted.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA contract for extermination services? Yes. We maintain an ongoing service contract for pest control for all common HOA areas. Homeowners are responsible for their own pest control services for their individual properties.
chevron_rightWhat options do homeowners have to submit requests/forms to the HOA? If you have any questions, requests or questions please email tuscany@fsrnevada.com. Forms can be dropped off at the Rec Center or scanned/emailed to the email above.
HOA Compliance
chevron_rightDo the CC&Rs routinely change? No. However, the CC&Rs are subordinate to changes in NRS 116.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA require that homes with carriage lights keep those lights on at night? No. The HOA only requests that carriage lights be turned on.
chevron_rightHow does the community learn of changes in rules and regulations? New rules/regulations are required to be mailed to every homeowner within 30 days of approval by the Board of Directors. This is in accordance with NRS 116.
chevron_rightWhat is the HOA policy dealing with 'out of compliance letters' including traffic violations? Please see the appropriate section on the tuscanyhomeowners.com website for the hearing/fining/appeals process.
chevron_rightWhat is the HOA policy dealing with complaints between homeowners? There is no policy as the HOA is not involved in private matters between homeowners/residents.
chevron_rightWhere do we find the governing documents? In the Forms area under the Members section at tuscanyhomeowners.com.
chevron_rightWhy are golf carts not allowed on the streets in Tuscany? Our community has not been designated by the State of Nevada as a 'golf cart community'. It must meet certain physical requirements for that designation.
Rec Center Questions
chevron_rightHow are the rates for renting facilities at the Rec Center calculated? The rental rates take into account the use of the space as well as staff time for set-up/break-down, cleaning costs and overhead costs.
chevron_rightHow can I find out about the events that are happening in the community? Check the website (tuscanyhomeowners.com); look for newsletters, e-mail blasts and postings at the Rec Center. Make sure the HOA has your e-mail address.
chevron_rightWhat are the requirements for having guests at the Rec Center? Guest Policies:1. Guests must be accompanied by a member unless they have HOA Manager provide approved release.
2. A guest fee of $5.00 will be charged for any guest.
3. A maximum of six (6) guests per household per day will be enforced. If a member wished to exceed this number, management approval is required prior to admission. 4. All children must be under adult supervision for safety concerns.
5. The adult member must register and assume liability for their guests. Members must remain with guests while using the Recreation Center at all times unless otherwise approved by management.
6. All guests must sign a waiver prior to using the facility.
chevron_rightWhy are alcoholic drinks not allowed in the Recreation Center or the Pool area? The HOA does not have a liquor license. HOA staff is not trained to monitor consumption. Because of behavioral and liability issues, it is not in the best interests of the community to generally allow such consumption. At times, the HOA will have catering events where the appropriate licensing is obtained.
chevron_rightWhy can't the kitchen be leased out to provide food service to the community? The area is not zoned for commercial use.
Security and Safety Questions
chevron_rightAs security patrols the property, what can they cite residents/homeowners for? Security will place parking stickers on improperly parked vehicles. Security will NOT stop traffic violators, but may capture them on camera. These violations then proceed through the regular HOA process for compliance.
chevron_rightHow many patrol vehicles does security have on the road? Security should have 2 patrol vehicles out in the community at all times unless there is a shift change or temporary additional coverage needed at the front guard house.
chevron_rightWhat does security require of golf course visitors? Security personnel record the license plates and driver's license or ID of these visitors.
chevron_rightWhat should I do if I encounter a solicitor in the community? Contact the front gate security person or the HOA office.
chevron_rightWhat should I do if I see a suspicious person(s) or activity within our community? Please call security AND dial 311 for non-emergency poice assistance. In an emergency, dial 911.
chevron_rightWhy are visitors and service persons going to residential homes required to produce ID at the security gate? This is intended for the protection of the individual Tuscany resident/homeowner.
chevron_rightWhy is there no permanent guard posted at the gate at Via Alatoire? At this time, the HOA budget does not support this option.
Tuscany Traffic Questions
chevron_rightAs security patrols the property, what can they cite residents/homeowners for? Security will place parking stickers on improperly parked vehicles. Security will NOT stop traffic violators, but may capture them on camera. These violations then proceed through the regular HOA process for compliance.
chevron_rightWhat are the fine costs for speeding? The posted speed limit within Tuscany Master Association is 25 miles per hour (mph). Driving in excess of 25 mph shall be subject to penalties as a matter of health, safety and welfare for the community as a whole.The penalties for exceeding the speed limit are as follows:
- 26-29 mph
- Alert with schedule of fines
- 30-35 mph
- $25 fine after 2 warning letters and third violation, all within 30 days
- $25 fine for each offense thereafter with no warning letters
- 36-39 mph
- $50 fine each offense
- 40-45 mph
- $100 fine each offense
- 46 + mph
- $200-$1,000 based on speed and circumstances
- Failure to stop at a stop sign ranges from $25 up depending on the severity of the violation.
- 26-29 mph
chevron_rightWho can residents contact regarding traffic issues immediately outside the Tuscany gates? Contact the City of Henderson.
chevron_rightWhy is the speed limit in the community set at 25 mph? State and local laws set this limit and it cannot be changed without a traffic engineering study and applications to the appropriate authorities.
chevron_rightWhy are construction vehicles, commercial traffic and golfers excluded from fines? When a homeowners purchases within an HOA they are contractually obligated to conform to the governing documents (the ByLaws and the CC&RS and the Rules published under the CC&Rs). The HOA does not have the authority to fine construction vehicles and golfers; Violators will be identified and the HOA will work with security and the board to address speed on the part of these invitees.
chevron_rightWhat method of traffic control does the HOA use on private roads? We did consider the controversial suggestion of installing speed bumps; however the the City of Henderson does not allows them. See Traffic Calming Policy for Public and Private Roadways within the City of Henderson 2013. This policy is an expansion of the current policy and includes the possible use of vertical deflections in the roadway; Vertical deflections include speed humps, speed cushions, speed tables (raised intersections), raised crosswalks, and raised pavers/rumble strips. NOTE: raised pavers/rumble strips are approved for use on privately maintained roadways only. Speed bumps and road spikes (aka tiger teeth) are prohibited on all roadways.
chevron_rightWill homeowners be fined for vendors/service people who speed on the way to service their homes? No. Under NRS 116.31031[1(b)(2)], the HOA cannot impose a fine against unit owner or a tenant for violations involving vehicles of persons delivering or performing services for the unit owner or tenant.
chevron_rightWhat about drivers who ignore stop signs or who speed on side streets? It is the HOA's intention to use the radar camera to identify these violations as well.
chevron_rightWill security be handing out violations? No. They will be trained to operate the radar camera and will provide the information to the Community Manager. The HOA will follow the same procedures as with any other non-compliance violations.
chevron_rightWhy will homeowners be held responsible for tenants and guests? In accordance with the CC&Rs, homeowners are responsible for the actions of their tenants and guests.
chevron_rightWhat is NV statutory basis for permitting HOA to establish policies for creating rules and regulations? NRS 116.3102 and 3103
chevron_rightWhat is the basis for not permitting residents to park overnight (without a pass) on the street? The Association has adopted a parking policy restricting overnight parking based on the declaration. This policy allows for parking for guests and vendors and residents during daylight and business hours for a short period of time. The prohibition of parking between 2am and 6am means that there is no 24 hour permission to park on the streets without a valid parking pass. Such parking would diminish the aesthetic appearance of the community as well as cause safety issues including reduced visibility for garage ingress and egress.
Web Site Questions
chevron_rightI forgot my password. Is there a way to retrieve my password information from the site? Yes. On the Login Screen, there is a link labeled 'Forgot your Password?'. Click on that. On the next screen, either enter your name as if appears in the profile or enter your email address as it appears in the profile. NOTE: The 'Forgot my Password' function will not work unless you have a valid email address listed in your User Profile. Yes. On the Login Screen, there is a link labeled 'Forgot your Password?'. Click on that. On the next screen, either enter your name as if appears in the profile or enter your email address as it appears in the profile. NOTE: The 'Forgot my Password' function will not work unless you have a valid email address listed in your User Profile.
chevron_rightI would rather not login every time I come to the site. Can't I save my password? Yes you can! Simply check the box labeled 'Remember Login Info?' on the login screen, and the web site will store a cookie on your computer. Every time you click Login, the web site will automatically log you in; however, you will still need to enter your login information if you visit the web site on a different computer. NOTE: We highly recommend that you DO NOT save your login information if you are accessing the web site on a public computer.
chevron_rightThe web site automatically logs me in every time I click Login. How can I get the login screen back? You need to discard the login cookie on your machine. To do so, log in and click 'User Profile'. Check the box labeled 'Discard Remember Login Info', and click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page.