Updated January, 2020
Membership at the Recreation Center is limited to residents only and is subject to Board policy and community rules.
Recreation Center policies are established by the Tuscany Board of Directors and may be amended at the Board’s discretion at any time. All residents will be required to update their Recreation Center Rules Forms at the Front Desk.
Membership Information
- Membership is available to residents of Tuscany Village. Membership is limited to residents of a single-family household. Membership may be obtained by residents who provide the following:
- Homeowners: Property deed and driver’s license, government issued ID card and a current utility bill to the property.
- Tenants: Original lease and driver’s license, government issued ID card and a current utility bill to the property.
- Trusts, partnerships, estates or limited liability companies with a notarized letter from the company appointing the home to designated residents.
- All residents of the household must provide proof of residency. The following are acceptable forms for proof of residency.
- Current drivers’ license or other government-issued ID card
- Current utility bill to the address
- Current year’s tax records
- Marriage license
- Children or dependents of residents may become members. All children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult at all times within the facility for safety concerns. The following are acceptable forms for proof of residency:
- Birth certificate (for children)
- Guardianship papers
- Sponsor papers
- A notarized affidavit
- Membership will be granted for one year and will expire on December 31st, annually, or until the member’s lease expires, or member ceases residency in Tuscany Village. Each year residency will need to be reestablished in order to continue using the facility.
- Homeowners who lease out their homes transfer their membership right to the tenant. Homeowners must inform the Homeowners Association Office (HOA) in writing when a tenant’s lease expires or tenants move out of the property.
- A membership card will be issued to each member. Members are required to check in using their membership card each time they use the facility. A replacement fee of $10.00 will be charged if the membership card is lost.
- Members must be in good standing with the HOA in order to maintain memberships.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times unless approved by the HOA Manager.
- Each property receives a Guest Pass which entitles them to 24 free guest visits per year. This is renewed annually on January 1st, with an option to issue a second annual Guest Pass. To receive the second annual Guest Pass, you must turn in the first one showing is has been completely used. The second Guest Pass will cost $20.00.
- A $5.00 guest fee will be charged for each guest after the initial Guest Pass or passes have been used.
- Members who have received their Guest Pass has the option of either using the Guest Pass or paying the $5.00 for their guest(s).
- Maximum of six (6) guests per household per day.
- The adult member must be registered and assumes liability for their guests.
- Guest Passes are nontransferable.
- Guest Passes are not cumulative and cannot be carried over into a new year.
- All guests must sign a waiver prior to using the facility.
- Tuscany is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged Guest Passes and Guest Passes will not be replaced.
- If your Guest Pass is lost or stolen, you will be responsible for paying the normal guest fee of $5.00 per guest.
** As a courtesy to fellow residents, if you find a lost Guest Pass, please return it to the front desk at the Recreation Center.
Suspension of Membership Privileges: Management reserves the right to remove members from the facility and to immediately suspend privileges if deemed necessary. In the event of a suspension, a notice will be issued to the owner/member, followed by a hearing before the Covenants Committee that could result in a fine, or other sanctions, for “Conduct Unbecoming a Member”, including:
- A violation that poses an imminent threat of causing a substantial adverse effect on the health, safety or welfare of the common-interest community will result in immediate suspension and removal from the Recreation Center
- Deliberate misuse or destruction of equipment or property.
- Theft of Recreation Center property.
- Theft or damage to other member’s/guest’s property.
- Failure to follow proper safety practices and precautions.
- Fighting on Recreation Center property.
- Use of profanity, abusive language, aggressive behavior, or inappropriate behavior toward staff or other members.
- Possession of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
- Possession of a weapon.
- Use of tobacco products in the Recreation Center.
- Use of photographs/videos for the purposes of promoting any business without prior permission of the HOA Management Company.
- Photographing members or guests without obtaining consent.
- Sharing your membership card.
- Failure to follow directions or failure to leave when asked by staff.
- Failure to pay membership dues, HOA assessments, and outstanding fines.
- Failure to comply with any written policies.
- Any rule not adhered to in this agreement shall result in a compliance notice mailed to the Owner.
Credit Card and Checks are accepted forms of payment. Fee schedule can be obtained at the front desk.
- All exercise is at the member’s/guest’s own risk.
- The Recreation Center is tobacco free.
- Alcohol may only be consumed by persons of legal age when provided by a licensed catering company. Catering company must provide license and proof of liability insurance fourteen (14) days prior to the event. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance will be required to leave the facility.
- Members who are involved in or witness an injury should report it immediately to a staff member.
- The Recreation Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items of members or guests. Found items will be kept at the front desk. Items not retrieved after thirty (30) days will be donated to charity.
- Skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, “heelys” or other wheeled devices are prohibited within the Recreation Center.
- Cameras: Inappropriate use of cameras (including video, cell phones or other photo taking devices) is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy may result in suspension of membership privileges, a fine or both. Use of the Recreation Center for personal/business profit may only be permitted with prior approval from the HOA management company.
- Dress Code Policy: Clothing that expresses any profane or discriminating messages, logos or pictures are prohibited. Swimsuits (not cutoffs, T-shirts) must be worn in the aquatic area. Shirts that cover the torso (chest, abdomen and back) are required in all areas of the Recreation Center, except the aquatic area. Shorts and skirts must be long enough to cover buttocks. Clothing, belts, or shoes with exposed metal (studs, rivets, or zippers) are prohibited. Members/guests have the responsibility to dress in a manner that promotes a safe clean and appropriate environment.
- Non-marking athletic footwear is required on all floors (gymnasium, group fitness studio, and racquetball courts). No high heels or flip-flops are allowed. Shirts and shoes are required in all areas of the facility except wet areas. Proper athletic footwear is required for the tennis courts. Swim cover-ups (dresses, shorts, shirts) are required while walking through the Recreation Center to and from the pool.
- Lockers: Lockers are available on a first-come-first–serve basis. Members must provide their own locks. All items must be removed from locker when the member leaves for the day. Any items left in lockers will be removed each night and will be kept at the front desk for thirty (30) days. If a member forgets the lock combination or loses their key, the lock may be cut off by the staff. If this occurs, the member must sign a statement indicating permission to remove the lock and that the items in the locker are the property of the member.
- Cell Phones: Residents/Guests who are using cell phones are required to respect other residents/guests by using headphones while in the Recreation Center. No cell phone calls are to be made or received while in the Fitness Area. Phone calls are to be taken or made in a vacant room.
- Exercise equipment is to be wiped off after each use.
NOTE: There may not be a staff member in the fitness area. All fitness areas are “use at your own risk.”
The following general rules include the Group Fitness Studio, Sauna, Fitness Area, Cardiovascular Equipment, Free Weight/Strength Training area and Basketball/Volleyball/Racquetball/Badminton Courts:
- For safety concerns Children under the age of 12 years old must be supervised at all times.
- No food or drink of any kind with the exception of water in a closed, non-breakable container is permitted.
- Appropriate clothing is required in each recreation area.
- All personal items should be stored in a locker. Personal items are not the responsibility of the Recreation Center.
- Exercise Fitness Room:
Activity-based classes are subject to a fee, (Refer to current Fee Schedule at the Recreation Center front desk). Schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Clean athletic shoes must be worn. Carry your workout shoes and change into them prior to class.
- No food or drink of any kind with the exception of water in a closed, non-breakable container is permitted.
- Weights are allowed only in classes designed for their use.
- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment at management discretion
- The music system is to be controlled by Recreation Center staff or instructors.
- Members are not allowed to use the Exercise Fitness Room during scheduled classes.
- No equipment, weights, balls, etc., are to leave the Exercise Fitness Room.
- Sauna Area:
- Swimsuits must be worn at all times.
- Do not use the room if you are under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other drugs that may cause drowsiness.
- Restrict your use to fifteen (15) minutes or less.
- Members and guests who are pregnant, suffer from heart disease, or have high or low blood pressure are advised not to use the sauna.
- Shaving in the sauna is prohibited.
- Fitness Area:
- Appropriate clothing is required including shirts covering the torso and athletic shoes (shoes must be closed toe and heel and with a non-skid rubber sole).
- Discontinue use and notify a staff member if a piece of equipment doesn’t work properly.
- If horseplay/lewd language or inappropriate behavior is observed, report to front desk staff immediately.
- Allow others the opportunity to ‘work in’ during your workout. Do not occupy equipment during ‘rest’ periods when others are waiting.
- Placing a sign or personal belongings on equipment in order to reserve a desired piece of equipment is not permitted.
- Equipment must be used responsibly and with respect for others. Management reserves the right to prohibit members from using equipment incorrectly.
- All equipment should be returned to its original space when use is completed.
- No equipment, weights, balls, etc., are to leave the Fitness Area.
- Safety clips must be used on all bars at all times.
- Stay at least 3 feet away from anyone working out for your safety and theirs.
- Do not sit on equipment between sets; allow others to work in with you.
- No open top containers of beverages or food is allowed, except water.
- Use the trash cans to dispose of all used wipes and trash.
- Do not drop free weights or slam any weight stacks on the equipment.
- Do not use the treadmill TV remotes for the wall mounted TV’s. Wall mounted TV remotes may be check out at the front desk. Please be considerate to other members when using the TV’s.
- No cell phone calls are to be made or received. If you must take or make a call, leave the Fitness Area.
- All other electronic devices must be used with a head set.
- No paid personal trainers allowed without approval from HOA.
- Cardiovascular Equipment:
- Check with staff member if you have questions about how to operate specific equipment. Follow guidelines and directions listed.
- Observe any sign-up sheets or time restrictions on cardiovascular equipment during peak time. Limit equipment use to 30 minutes maximum when others are waiting.
- Free Weight/Strength Training Area:
- Weights on bars must be removed after use and returned to racks.
- Do not sit, lean or stand on bars.
- Use spotters when necessary.
- Do not drop weights.
- Basketball/Volleyball/Racquetball/Badminton Courts:
- A membership card is required to check out equipment. It is the financial responsibility of the borrower to reimburse the center for equipment not returned in satisfactory condition.
- Recreation leagues will be available for members and their registered guests only. Check with the front desk staff to coordinate and schedule.
- Protective eyewear is strongly recommended for all racquetball players.
- Arts & Crafts Classroom: Participants are responsible for their own clean up. Children must have direct adult supervision.
- Billiards Room:
- Children under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by adult to use Billiards Room.
- Cues and balls may be checked out at the front desk by members only. A membership card is required to check out equipment. It is the financial responsibility of the borrower to reimburse the center for equipment not returned in satisfactory condition. Membership cards are used as a “deposit” for any equipment borrowed.
- Billiards tables will be available on a first-come-first-served basis with a time limit not to exceed 30 minutes when others are waiting.
- No food of any kind is allowed in the Billiards Room.
- Beverages must be kept a minimum of 3 feet away from the pool tables all times.
- No “jump” shooting is allowed.
- Kitchen: Use of the kitchen is limited to employees only unless otherwise approved by management. Members given permission to use the kitchen will be responsible for cleanup and replacement of any equipment and supplies.
- Room Rentals: All room rentals must be made through the Recreation Center’s Front Desk or the HOA office.
- Tennis Court Guidelines:
a) No unauthorized professional or organized tennis instruction allowed.
b) Proper athletic footwear is required for the tennis courts.
c) Tennis courts are for the game of tennis only. Use of tennis courts for other activities is prohibited.
- Members and guest must obey all pool rules and follow directions of lifeguards/staff at all times.
- General admittance is by membership or guest passes only.
- All children under the age of 12 years old require adult supervision in accordance with NAC 444 and the Southern Nevada Health District. An adult accompanying a child must remain in the aquatic area at all times. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Adults are responsible for the children they are accompanying even while lifeguards are on duty.
- Persons showing disrespect to others, unruly behavior or dangerous behavior, refusal to abide by pool rules, or use of inappropriate language may be asked to leave the facility.
- Sexual harassment and/or inappropriate touching is strictly prohibited.
- All swimmers must shower before entering the pools.
- Swimmers must wear proper swimwear. No cotton fabrics, shoes, socks, denim, rivets, or thongs are permitted to be worn. All females must wear a bathing suit top and bottom. Swim cover-ups (dresses, shorts, shirts) are required while walking through the Recreation Center to and from the pool.
- Members and guests who are incontinent, including all children ages 3 and under, must wear a swim diaper at all times while in pool area
- The Recreation Center, including all pool areas, is a smoke, vapor, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol-free facility.
- Any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave.
- Glass, cans, gum or personal barbecues are not permitted in the facility.
- All food containers must be plastic or paper.
- Portable radios, CD players and other electronic devices must be battery powered and may be used with headphones only.
- Floating devices such as floating toys may be limited due to number of occupants in the pool. Oversized
flotation devices are allowed with the discretion of the Rec Center’s Front Desk staff. Please be considerate
of others - Animals are not permitted with the exception of ADA or guide dogs.
- No running on the pool deck or other paved areas of the facility.
- Dunking, riding or standing on shoulders, rough play or throwing object is not permitted.
- Diving is not permitted. Diving includes any head first entry, front/back side flips or twist jumps. Cannonballs
are not allowed. - Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed only in the deck areas.
- Members are responsible for the clean-up and removal of food, drink and personal belongings.
- Lap pool lanes are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, with a time limit not to exceed 30 minutes when
others are waiting. Do not enter a lap pool lane that is already occupied without asking permission of the
person using it. - Failure to obey lifeguards, staff or safety rules may result in removal from the pool and Recreation Center
and suspension of membership privileges.
Suggestion/Comment Policy
The Recreation Center Staff will assist members with ideas, comments or concerns regarding the Recreation Center policies. Comment sheets are located at the front desk. All comments must include a name, address and phone number. All comments and concerns will be kept confidential. Every effort will be made to address each comment and suggestion in a timely manner.
For your convenience, updaed forms are available at the Recreation Center front desk and in the HOA Office. All Residents will be required to authorize a new form with acceptance of new polices.